I recently discovered that there is a “Top 25 Daddy Bloggers” poll going on out here in the internet. I was honored to be included….and by “honored to be included”, I of course mean that I honored myself by entering myself in the poll. Anyhow, please take a second to vote for me in the poll here: http://www.circleofmoms.com/blogger/life-josh You don’t have to register or enter any contact info. All you have to do is click the little “thumbs up” button. Apologies to all of you who dislike my blog. There is no “thumbs down” button for you to click on. I’ll be sure to let you know if I enter myself in a “Worst 25 Daddy Bloggers” poll. Vote early. Vote often. Thanks! **Edit: Looks like you are allowed to vote once per day until the 5th. So, vote early and not so often.** View the current top 25 here: http://www.circleofmoms.com/top25/daddy-blogs
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