Thanksgiving has come and gone. It’s December now. Wow. It’s almost 2013…or the end of the world-depending on your level of paranoia. Here’s a quick recap of our Thanksgiving break. I hope yours was equally wonderful.
Thanksgiving Day: We had a great time hanging out and eating an unholy amount of food with the extended family in Canyon, TX. Then, we came back to Amarillo and met more family. A friend of ours cooked us one of the best turkeys I’ve ever eaten (yeah, our friends are awesome like that). T-day summary: we ate to the point of shame whilst watching the Cowboys find another way to fail. ‘Merica.
Black Friday: my love for Black Friday is pretty well-known. Yep, we embraced the chaos and bought some stuff. Good times. To quote the internet: “Only in America people trample each other for sales exactly one day after being thankful for what they already have.” ‘Merica.
Weekend: Saturday was pretty much a day of food and capitalism detox. On Sunday, my good friend @robertpoling helped us say “goodbye” to Thanksgiving by destroying our decorations. With guns. And explosives. Yeah, @robertpoling is awesome like that. ‘Merica.
See you next year, Thanksgiving. ‘Tis now time for this guy. Bring on Christmas.
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