So, we ventured into a sad new world yesterday. June 9, 2010 will go down in the history books as the day when “remember that time when we only needed one shopping cart?” entered our vocabulary. As it turns out, kids eat a lot of food…A LOT OF FOOD. Even worse, I fear that our oldest is on the brink of a discovering that we aren’t required to buy Great Value brand everything.
The dilemma: utilizing a two cart system requires two cart operators…meaning that my wife and I both have to go to the store…meaning that we either hire a baby sitter or take all six kids with us.
Last night, we opted for the latter. Fortunately for us, our kids are all very well behaved; but, there is something disturbing about eating vegetables that my 2 year old son has sat upon (I don’t trust the thin plastic vegetable bag as a full-proof stank barrier)…and at least one loaf of our bread usually ends up with the imprint of some toddler appendage…and we sometimes end up with a few surprise items in our basket (it was 6 boxes of assorted fruit snacks last night-which, ironically, cost us more than a babysitter would have).
The massive load of groceries that we bought yesterday will be depleted in 2 weeks. What in the world are we going to do when the kids are teenagers? I’m thinking that a small farm and a dairy cow might be in our future.
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