Well, we’re back in the US-back from a week of being gloriously unplugged from Facebook, Twitter, and whatever is going on with Paula Deen. So, where were we?
Remember the Carnival cruise ship that had the plumbing problems recently? Well, while the world was thinking “EW, GROSS!”, I was thinking, “Hmmm…I bet the next cruise on that ship will be cheap!”
So, yes, we did book a cruise on that very ship. That’s how we roll. What are the odds that the aptly named “poop cruise” would have a sequel? I figured they were pretty low. So, bon voyage!
Since we’ve had a ton of people ask us to report our findings on the following question, I’ll do so now.
Q: “Should we take our young kids on a cruise?”
A: If you are thinking about taking your young kids on a cruise, my advice would be to wait a bit (perhaps until they are closer to middle school age). Otherwise, you’ll get to answer fun questions like, “Why are the magic show girls dancing in clothes that give them really bad wedgies?” Also, at various times of the day, the main swimming pool becomes 10% water, 60% people, 29.9% alcohol, and .1% clothing. I should note that most of the time everything was great. There were just a few “I really hope the kids forget that they ever saw/heard that”-type moments each day. Oh, and fyi-the description “family friendly comedy” on a low-budget cruise to Mexico does not mean the same thing as it does in Bible Belt America.
A few other life lessons our kids learned: 1) Never make eye contact with Mexican street vendors. 2) It is not appropriate to tip dancing waiters with dollar bills from your teeth. (thanks a lot, random drunk lady from table 39). 3) There is a long list of reasons why Daddy will never compete in any cruise’s version of a “hairy chest” contest. 4) When Mommy says, “Bikinis should have an age limit.”, those words shouldn’t be repeated to the offender.
Overall though, the experience was awesome. We had a blast. If my math is correct, I averaged 43,251 glorious calories per meal, 6 meals per day, each one more delicious than the next. Thanks, Carnival.
I know what you’re thinking now, “Where are the pictures? I love nothing more than looking at photo after photo of other people’s scenic vacation pictures!”
You’re in luck. Here you go:
The boat.
6y/o discovers that the appetizer is frog legs.
One of our rooms.
Tad bit windy.
We found ourselves on the business end of the YMCA.
Beach at Chankanaab.
More beach.
Putt putting.
The kids found some hermit crabs and built a castle for them. FYI-If you’re a hermit crab, this is what hell looks like.
Too much hot tub.
Snorkeling at Chankanaab.
Decidedly, we overreacted to the Supermoon.
There was much love for the towel animals. Elephants.
Alligator is not amused.
Rainforest Cafe on the way home.
Rainforest Cafe chicken fried steak is gloriously gigantic.
I saw this at the Grapevine Mills mall. I don’t know what it is, but I hate it.
Making friends at Grapevine Mills.
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