So, the Wood family braved the fair over the weekend. Confession: I love the fair.
1.) Food. I ate a corn dog, cheese on a stick, potato spirals, and a bit of a turkey leg. Note to fair vendors: you should rename the potato things “Tater Tornaders.” You’re welcome. All the food was fantastic. Until 2 hours later. At that point digestive war ensued.
2.) People watching. The fair is the people watching event of the year. On a related note, it amazes me that so many people who apparently can’t afford adequate clothing or a respectable level of personal hygiene can afford the fair. It amazes me that dudes who can only afford to cut the fronts and tops of the hair on their heads can afford to spend $30 attempting to win a large stuffed frog.
People watching warning: keep a safe distance. An older dude in some cutoff jorts spit on my wife’s leg. No, it wasn’t on purpose. He turned his head and spit backwards. Gross. My wife didn’t say a word. The spitter will never know of the atrocity that he committed. Anyhow, beware. The fair crowd is composed of a fair amount of oblivious spitters.
3.) Money. Dear goodness. I hadn’t been to the fair in awhile. All 9 of us went. Had we all ridden the little cars in a circle one time it would’ve cost almost $30. Ouch. We only let the kids ride 2 rides each. If my math is correct, we spent $42,817.12 including admission, rides, and food. I’ll have to sell a kidney if we decide to go again next year.
We’ll go again next year. How could we not? They’ve got Tater Tornaders.
Here are a few more photos. Yep, that’s a camel. I’m a pretty awesome photographer.
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