It seems like, these days, my facebook feed is full of people internet high-fiving each other about the website Well, today I thought I’d see what all the fuss was about.
I requested an invite, received said invite, and logged in.
I had hopes that this little site might be a great way to categorize all the great content I read on the internet. I logged in, then created a few “boards”: Public Speaking, Web Design, and Writing/Publishing. Then, I started to “pin” my first “pin” (or however you say it). It was a great post by Michael Hyatt on “becoming a better speaker“. This is when I realized that I’m only allowed to “pin” a photo, not text. No offense, Michael Hyatt. You’re a handsome dude, but “pinning” photos of you to a social networking site is awkward. I thought this pinterest thing was all about “pinning” helpful articles and stuff. This is when I realize that I don’t understand pinterest. Hmmmm…guess I better go back to the main page and see how this works.
I, for the first time, study the main page. It’s a litany of pictures related to home decor, fancy deserts, nail polish, and cute puppies. Crap. I inadvertently signed up for the Martha Stewart online fan club, didn’t I?
Feeling a bit embarrassed and completely out of place, I head over to my pinterest settings to find out how to make my profile private. I can’t find a “private” setting in preferences; so, I click on the “my pins” link to remove my pins. Under my profile there’s a list of my activity. My activity? What activity? I haven’t done anything. It’s a long list of “Josh is now following…”. Wait a sec! I didn’t follow anyone! These people are all getting notification that I’m now following them in estrogen central?NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!.
Upon further examination, I realize that I’m now somehow following 81 people on pinterest-3 of whom are guys (solidarity, brothers). Anyhow, I don’t understand this. Can someone please explain how am I following all these people? I initially figured it was from linking my facebook; but, I’m not friends with everyone I’m now following on pinterest. DISCLAIMER: If I’m following you on pinterest and you’re reading this please note the following: I didn’t follow you because I heart the fancy shower curtain you pinterest-ed. My followership on pinterest in no way represents my views, opinions, approval, disapproval, masculinity, or lack thereof.
To summarize, I thought pinterest would be a cool way for me to categorize great content from webpages so I could stop emailing links to myself. I thought my page would be a nice blend of my and other nerds’ (whom I followed by choice) repositories of great info.
As it turns out, I’m now following 78 women and 3 men against my will. My pinterest page is full of stuff like this: and this: This isn’t helpful to me. Never once in my life have I thought, “Gee, I’d sure like to make a wreath today!”
Anyhow, thanks for sullying my online reputation, pinterest. Also, thanks for being yet another million-dollar-idea website that I should have thought of. Back to Twitter for me…
**EDIT** HOW TO UNFOLLOW PEOPLE ON PINTEREST (I finally figured out how to unfollow people. If you’ve found yourself in my predicament, here’s your answer):
1. Once logged in, click on your name in the top right corner.
2. Click on the link to the people you are following (top left). My link says “81 following”.
3. Next to each person you are following there are little white boxes that say “following” inside them. They don’t look clickable; but, they are. Click on the world “following” to unfollow.
[…] my searches for how to ‘unfollow’ people, I found this blog post, which made me laugh You’ll probably enjoy it as […]